Saturday, May 5, 2012

Chamber Choir/Graduation Party

This cake was a blast to make. I particularly enjoyed painting and creating the Broadway themed level. The party had a theme of "Melodies of Life" with 4 categories: Classical, Rock n' Roll, Jazz, and Broadway. The party was out in the country under some large oak trees. They had 4 different tables with at least 4 types of food that met one the categories. For example, for Jazz table was decorated with Marty Gras and had southern foods- benyas, gumbo, etc... The students/friends ate under the evening sky with lanterns and bulb lights throughout the trees. The food tables were set with all white linen and birlap. The guests all had name tags, real china, and small sacks with their silverware on top of their plates. It was picturesque to say the least! If I get a chance I will get some photos posted of the cake out on the scene.

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